Our multi-generational farmers are driving solutions for healthier farms, thriving livestock, and a sustainable planet. The New Generation of Farming Let's cut to the chase - American agriculture has a wrinkle problem, and I'm not talking about prunes. This week...
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 You know what I love about January on the farm? The quiet. These crisp winter mornings give me a chance to pause, sip my coffee, and dream up what the year ahead might hold. While I've never been much...
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A banker would've laughed at Andrea and my business plan 20 years ago: "So, let me get this straight – you want to loan money to two starry-eyed dreamers with borrowed pasture and a mission to revolutionize the meat industry?"...
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You ever had one of those moments where you find your people and everything just clicks? Well, that's exactly what happened when Andrea and I packed our bags this week and headed to Big Sky Country—Billings, Montana—for a farmer and...
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Grab your boots, because I'm about to wade into one of farming's most controversial topics - daylight saving time! And before you start pointing fingers at us farmers, let me set the record straight: contrary to popular belief, we didn't...
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