A Labor of Love

It’s no secret that here at Grass Roots, we take animal welfare seriously! It’s an essential part of our mission to guarantee a set of core freedoms for all of our animals. We believe that our commitment to animal welfare is a key ingredient in making the world a better place and creating a mouth-watering product for our customers. And hey, it’s just the right thing to do.
So let’s talk about a freedom that seems really straightforward.
That seems like a no-brainer, right? But there’s a little bit more to ensuring that every animal is eating and drinking daily than you might assume.
So what does that look like?
That looks like our farmers managing forage in a way that allows for proper rotational grazing – giving the land time to heal and regenerate.
They have to remember to check “order more supplemental ration for the chickens” off their to-do list. And make sure it’s delivered in time!
Our farmers also need to collect and store forage for times when there is low forage growth, like during those deep snows in the heart of winter! Brrr!
In the heat of the summer, our farmers monitor drought conditions to ensure they’ve got plenty of water on the land. And keep those water lines from breaking or freezing up in the winter, too!
It’s a labor of love – it’s exactly the way farming was meant to be.
Want to learn more about small farming and what makes our cooperative different? Visit our blog to learn more about the pasture-raised difference.
It’s hard work for our farmers, but truly a labor of love. Meat with intention – The Grass Roots way.
Your farmer, Cody
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