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2 lbs
Grass-Fed Coulotte
$40.45 Regular price/
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Coulotte, also called Picanha or sirloin cap roast, is an underappreciated delicacy—sourced from the top sirloin cap, it boasts a succulent and juicy, highly enjoyable texture. Prepare to be delighted by the well-rounded and enticing flavor profile that our coulotte steak brings to the table. Our coulotte steak is excellent roasted, braised, and smoked. It’s also the cut typically used in Brazilian churrasco and at Argentine steakhouses. You can cut this roast into steaks, which are excellent cast iron seared or grilled.
Weight: 2 lbs
Serving size per package: 3-4
Temp Guide: USDA Internal: 145° let rest for 3 min
Cooking Method: smoked, seared, oven roast, stir-fry, grill