1.25 lbs
Grass-Fed Tri Tip
$38.45 Regular price/
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Our tri-tip showcases a rich and full-bodied flavor that sets it apart from conventionally raised beef. Tri-tip offers a robust, beefy flavor with a slightly more pronounced muscle grain compared to other cuts. It exhibits a slightly nutty undertone, complemented by hints of herbs and a subtle sweetness. When sliced against the grain, it yields slices that are moist and flavorful. The result is a steak that bursts with succulent juiciness and a satisfying complexity of flavors, making grass-fed tri-tip a prime choice for those seeking a robust and memorable culinary experience.
Weight: 1.25 lbs (1 steak)
Serving size per package: 3-4
Temp Guide: USDA Internal: 145° let rest for 3 mins
Cooking Method: grill, braise, roast, broil, smoke