

The cause and effect of regenerative farming and the issues we feel passionate about

In the heart of wintertime we are often asked how we care for our animals since they are raised outdoors on fresh pasture. As conscientious farmers who have the absolute highest standards for animal welfare, itโ€™s important that our animals have the best possible lives - that includes knowing when to raise them and how to care for them throughout all seasons.ย 
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Suffice it to sayโ€”we firmly believe that rotational grazing and sustainable agriculture are critical to the health of the planet and the people who inhabit it. We encourage conscientious eating and fully support people carefully considering their food choices. So, weโ€™re sharing this piece, which we believe offers an interesting perspective many eaters may not have considered. If you donโ€™t follow Diana on social media, we suggest that you to do so.
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Even if you donโ€™t have any experience on a farmโ€”as in, youโ€™ve never even had the pleasure of seeing a chicken IRLโ€” if you stop and think about it, you can probably pretty quickly come up with at least a couple of reasons itโ€™s advantageous for farmersโ€”especially ones running small, independent operationsโ€”to form a co-op.ย 
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he people I work with are a lot of my inspiration. The animals too. Thereโ€™s nothing quite like seeing contented pigs snoozing under shady trees catching a breeze on a hot day on top of the hill or listening to the steers tear into fresh grass when you open them to a new paddock, or watching turkeys run after bugs during a move to fresh ground. If something looks good, smells good, tastes good, sounds goodโ€”surely those must be indicators that itย isย good?
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Ever heard of a chicken โ€œbreak-down?โ€ Not a breakdance, break-down. Itโ€™s when you โ€œbreak downโ€ some important and complex facts about raising and eating chicken. Like our pun? Maybe not. But give us some credit, we did just now coin the phraseโ€”largely because a lot of folks have been asking why our pasture-raised chickens are given feed. So, here we go. Your official chicken break downโ€ฆ
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