he people I work with are a lot of my inspiration. The animals too. There’s nothing quite like seeing contented pigs snoozing under shady trees catching a breeze on a hot day on top of the hill or listening to the steers tear into fresh grass when you open them to a new paddock, or watching turkeys run after bugs during a move to fresh ground. If something looks good, smells good, tastes good, sounds good—surely those must be indicators that it is good?
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Ever heard of a chicken “break-down?” Not a breakdance, break-down. It’s when you “break down” some important and complex facts about raising and eating chicken. Like our pun? Maybe not. But give us some credit, we did just now coin the phrase—largely because a lot of folks have been asking why our pasture-raised chickens are given feed. So, here we go. Your official chicken break down…
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Many conscientious consumers forego meat eating because livestock production has a reputation for being terrible for the environment. And it’s true—industrial agriculture is one of the world largest contributors of greenhouse gases. This article, and others like it, point to research that shows, “the three biggest meat companies…are estimated to have emitted more greenhouse gases last year than all of France and nearly as much as some of the biggest oil companies.” But the impact of small-scale, regenerative farms is much, much different. Instead of polluting the earth, they are cleaning it. Instead of depleting resources, they are feeding both land and their communities in healthy.
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99% of chicken meat sold in the United States has been “cleaned” in a chlorine bath before it gets to your plate. At Grass Roots — we never process your meat this way. There are many, many reasons we use dramatically higher standards in bringing our pasture-raised meats from our farm to your table.
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Our farm is located in a very rural part of Arkansas, so homeschooling has made the most sense while the kids are young. When the doctor’s office is over an hour away, you handle all the run-of-the-mill childhood injuries yourself and learn to keep calm if something more serious comes up (which it does).
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